mario 👋
📷 shot with iPhone 15 pro max, 🌏 Xiamen, China.
Hi - 我是 Mario, 来自中国 的开发者,上图是我随手拍的工位窗外的风景,每日伴海而作令人心情愉悦。(厦门是一座特别宜居的海滨城市)
全代码模式下的 AI 爱好者, 力求成为无所不能的魔法师。
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"In every place of the world, there are rules and regulations, not even China, in America, in Europe, in everywhere. But in the creative world, there is no rules, there is no limit, the world is yours. Your mind can expand to anywhere, you need to use that freedom in your everyday struggle. I really feel like the youth in China really need to open their eyes and realize that the world is within their grasp. They just need to believe that they can get it." ---- Edison Chen
No machine could feel pleasure at its success, grief when its valves fuse, be warmed by flattery, be made miserable by its mistakes, be charmed by sex, be angry or miserable when it cannot get what it wants.